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How to create Aligned Momentum in your Business and the Power of HeartHealing and Human Design for digital nomads

Writer: Maris KohvMaris Kohv

Have you heard of HeartHealing?

All the intuitive decisions i’ve taken in my life happened after i activated my conneciton to my heart. And everyone who knows the work of Joe Dispenza knows better than to underestimate the intelligence and healing powers of the heart.

“According to quantum physics, the heart has an electromagnetic energy field 5000 times greater than the brain's - so it makes sense that healing your heart creates a much bigger, more impactful transformation than just healing your mind! “

Mindful Nomad Spotlight

Last Wednesday we had an Instagram Live with Melissa Ratti on the Official MINOMA Instagram channel where she shared about the practise and her lessons working with HeartHealing.

So, what is HeartHealing?

It’s a deeply healing meditation-hypnosis journey within yourself to heal the hidden wounds of the heart, that your mind cannot see. Along the journey, you heal key relationships, release energetic ties that are holding you back, soothe your inner child, and gain wisdom from your intuition and higher self so that you can move forward in a new, more aligned way.

Melissa shared some realizations from her own HeartHealing journey and from working with this modality:

  • Nobody is perfect, and nobody expects you to be. Actually, being more vulnerable, raw and real leads to more genuine, authentic encounters and relationships

  • Connecting to our higher self through the heart allows us to discover our unique gifts, and to see the gifts in others more easily too

  • By using and exchanging our unique gifts and talents, we can create a ripple effect of positive change in the world

Check the live HERE

And do you know what’s another modality that has so much focus on authenticity and empathy?

Yes, our favourite: Human Design

So lets talk about Human Design in another angle: using it for Business Alignment

Human Design for Digital Nomads to Align their Business to their Purpose

Importance of Alignment in Business

Are you spending too much time on figuring it out and not enough time in aligned action?

I truly believe that if we’re not in alignment we’ll always feel empty. That’s why the quote “I already reached a goal that I said would make me happy” hits the nail on the head, doesn’t it?

And there’s this amazing tool out there to help us really understand ourselves - how we are so incredibly unique - and help us align with our most natural energy.

But how does that apply to business?

Your business is a reflection of you as a person and for soul led entrepreneurs it’s a healing process

Part of the purpose of your journey as an entrepreneur is to feel a powerful shift so when you get closer to your vision and your mission you also feel all the shadows - the limiting beliefs the doubts - it’s not a sign to stop, it's a sign to trust more.

And naturally start to trust ourselves more when we KNOW OURSELVES deeply enough - both through self-discovery and training our muscle of awareness.

That’s why Human Design for digital nomads and soul-led entrepreneurs is such a powerful tool to expand in their mission.

So if are you ready to unlock the secrets of your energetic blueprint and create a business that truly aligns with you by learning how to:

  • Apply Human Design to your business strategy

  • Attract ideal clients in a way that feels easy

  • & connect with like-minded entrepreneurs

And ask questions like:

  • How to connect with aligned business partners and/or employees?

  • Ideas on new projects - should I really pursue them?

  • How to avoid burnout and manage MY energy best?

We invite you on August 22 6pm CET (Online) for a deep dive session and Q&A about Human Design for Business Alignment.

MINOMA Free Live Event - Human Design for Business Alignment

And some updates on the MINOMA Festival 2024

Since 2029 MINOMA has been a bridge not only for mindfulness experts and nomads who want to deepen their self-discovery journey but also a bridge between their members and conscious communities.

Last year on the MNOMA Festival we teased the idea of showcasing conscious communities and colivings we had Flaminia from WeTheHaven community, Liz from LaVitaSukha coliving, Anja from AGAIA coliving among others joining the Festival.

It’s time to take it to new heights.

This year we are bringing together even more conscious communities and colivings because the desire for collaboration and support in this space is BIG.

If you’re looking for an entry point to conscious communities join us at the MINOMA Festival and connect with amazing heart-led people in-person.

MINOMA bringing together conscious communities

From my heart to yours,


Founder and CEO of MINOMA

Maris at the MINOMA Festival location



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